Partnering with Parents in Discipleship
At NorthPointe Christian, our Mission Mandate (Matthew 28:18-20) is woven into our curriculum across all grade levels and program types. Whether a student is in our traditional English program, Spanish Immersion, or Big Picture Learning, our teachers are committed to equipping their students with the worldview, tools, and critical thinking skills necessary to “make disciples of all nations”.
For 4th grade teacher Hans Walters, implementing the Mission Mandate isn’t merely a box to check or a small classroom activity, but something so crucial to the faith of his students that it is the foundation of the extracurricular activities and partnerships he offers to his students. With this commitment to discipleship in mind, the Sons of Thunder were born.
The Sons of Thunder
Each Friday of the school year, Mr. Walters offers fourth and fifth grade boys, along with their fathers, the chance to gather together for breakfast, discussion, and prayer. Each week, the fathers in attendance lead book discussions with a small group of students, focusing on what it practically means to be a man after God’s own heart and develop godly character. Through these informal times of study, discussion, and prayer, NPC’s fourth and fifth grade boys are equipped with Biblical knowledge and parental guidance to help them grow in godliness and character.
In addition to weekly meetings, Mr. Walters also coordinates additional events for fathers and sons to participate in throughout the year. While these meetings and events are completely optional, a large crowd typically turns out.
Discipling Students Together
Here at NorthPointe Christian, we view the discipleship of our students as a partnership between teachers and parents. Our faculty and staff are committed to preparing students for life-long, Christ-honoring impact in their communities. However, this preparation doesn’t happen at school only, but at home and in the church, with the assistance of Christian parents and guardians.
Programs like Sons of Thunder demonstrate our teachers’ commitment to partnering with parents and guardians to bring up the next generation of faithful, mission-minded believers who are thoroughly equipped to “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:10, ESV).