Tim Perry
Middle School Bible Teacher
I love working at NorthPointe where I can connect students to Jesus every day. Walking with Jesus is a process and walking alongside students to help them become more like Jesus is what I live for. Teaching students about God’s Word is the greatest privilege and opportunity I have, I take it very seriously. Helping students discover how much God loves them, and has an awesome purpose for their lives is my goal every day.
Faith & Life
Mr. Perry attended Word of Life Bible Institute and then graduated from Appalachian Bible College with a bachelors in Pastoral Ministries. He loves middle school students to death reminding them everyday “don’t forget how much Mr. Perry loves you”. Mr.Perry is married to Judy and has 3 biological sons, one adopted son, and has had 21 foster children. Mr. Perry loves the game of football, and loves to play a lot of golf. Mr. Perry is a country boy and loves everything country. He loves NorthPointe Christian so much he drives over an hour and 10 minutes everyday just to see his students.
Statement of Life
When I decided to receive Christ as my Savior on my knees along I-69 on a charter bus between Flint and Lansing in 1989, I never dreamed that one day He would call me to use my gifts to help mold and shape young lives in a school setting. But this is what I know…I love it! In understanding God’s love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, I vowed to God that I would sell out the rest of my life sharing this good news within my circle of influence.
With this calling I seek to use my gifts to help students fall in love with Jesus Christ and then impact their world for Him. I will best help them accomplish this task by teaching the story that God has written in His Word. I seek to teach not only the content that is in the Word of God but to demonstrate its worth by my actions, backing up what the Word of God teaches. My desire isn’t to just teach the students content but to help them learn the content that will someday intersect with real life situations. When this happens, I pray their learning will help them lean into their faith and trust in God to see them through.
In carrying out this responsibility, I want to emphasize the Love Mandate: “Love the Lord your God…Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37-38). This mandate was exemplified through Jesus himself who is taught daily in my Bible classes. It’s also exemplified by how I love and treat my students. It’s one thing to teach the facts and another to buy in to them and live them. Fake love is easily identified, but true love manifests itself through actions. This is what really convinces students. My prayer is that while they hear it taught, and see it expressed, they too will embrace it, and exemplify it to others.
I also see to carry out a second mandate we teach at NPCS, the Mission Mandate: “Go and make disciples….teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt 28:18-20). I do this daily in my Bible classes by teaching the students how to live according to what the Word of God teaches. Having them to “sit at the feet of Jesus’ teachings” daily helps them see the importance of not only gaining a love and appreciation for who Jesus is and what He did for us, but how he desires that to be passed on to our friends, family, and world.