Stacey Ziegler
Curriculum Coach, Interventionist
From as far back as I can remember, teaching and working with children has always been a passion the Lord has given me. Serving at NPC allows me to combine this with my greatest passion, serving our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that as Christian teachers, our job is to create an environment where every one of our students grows both academically and spiritually. It is not only our privilege and responsibility to invest in children’s minds with traditional academics, but to continually weave those academics with Biblical teaching on a daily basis, pouring the knowledge of God’s Word into their hearts. NPC provides each of us, teachers, a platform to do that very thing and cultivate every heart for the Glory of God.
Faith & Life
Mrs. Ziegler graduated from Cornerstone University. She has taught Kindergarten and 3rd grade here at NPC and is currently the elementary/preschool curriculum coach. Her passion is working with students and teachers to create exciting and engaging classrooms where God’s word is the foundation of all learning. She lives with her husband, 3 children, and dog, Dexter! Her hobbies are gardening, traveling, and swimming!
Statement of Faith
From as far back as I can remember, teaching and working with children has always been a passion the Lord has given me. Serving at NorthPointe Christian allows me to combine this with my greatest passion, serving our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that as Christian teachers, our job is to create an environment where every one of our students grows both academically and spiritually. It is not only our privilege and responsibility to invest in children’s minds with traditional academics, but to continually weave those academics with Biblical teaching on a daily basis, pouring the knowledge of God’s Word into their hearts. NorthPointe Christian provides each of us teachers a platform to do that very thing and cultivate every heart for the Glory of God.
The Love Mandate: “Love the Lord your God…..Love your neighbor as yourself!” (Matt. 22:37-38). I strive to teach my students what true Christ-like love is and demonstrate that daily to them in my classroom. The most important theme in the New Testament is the double-love command, to love the Lord with all of your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. Thus, I will be focusing on this extensively throughout the year. I want the kids to leave my class at the end of the year with knowledge in their head but, more importantly, to know how to live out this double-love command in their lives.
The Mission Mandate: “Go and make disciples….teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:18-20). I want my students to understand that the chief end of man is to glorify God and make disciples. Throughout the year, I will strive to bring diversity into our classroom by introducing other cultures to them, not just for the sake of learning, but so that they may begin to see that there is a lost world at our doorstep waiting to hear about Christ. I want my students to leave at the end of the year fully understanding the Great Commission, to reach a hurting and lost world across the street and across the world.
The Image Mandate: “Let us make man in our image…Be fruitful…fill the earth…subdue it…rule over every living creature…” (Gen. 1:26, 28). My desire is to teach children that they are fearfully and wonderfully made because we were made in His image. I want them to know that God made us all special, for His purpose and that we are ALL part of a beautiful “puzzle”. Without just one of us, we would be incomplete as a body of Christ. As we study the world around us through all of our subjects, I want them to realize that there is goodness and beauty in all of them and that it uniquely comes from their Creator.