Liz Post

Middle and High School Girls Physical Education Teacher and Paraprofessional
Year Start At NPC: 2022

I am looking forward to sharing my faith through my teaching here at NPC! I feel blessed to be in a position where I have to opportunity to set a positive example for middle school and high school aged girls in particular, as we work together to celebrate our bodies through movement!

Faith & Life


Mrs. Post graduated from Calving College many years ago, but this will be her first year teaching Physical Education and Health. She is married and has 4 children, Grace (13), Caleb (12), Evy (10) and Leah (7). She has a passion for health and fitness and is excited to also be teaching girls weightlifting class at NPC! In her free time, Mrs. Post loves to be outside, running and hiking on the trails, biking, boating or playing a family favorite, Pickle ball. She also spends a lot of time watching her girls play soccer and her son competing in swimming and mountain biking.

Faith Statement

What a blessing it is to be teaching Physical Education and Health at NorthPointe Christian MS/HS! God has blessed each student with one body here on earth, to worship Him through exercise, movement, and games. In addition, I will teach young girls how to properly fuel their bodies with the food God will give them. I expect to teach them that a good diet and regular exercise are ways we can glorify God.

Matthew 22:37-38 calls us “to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength,” and “our neighbor as ourselves.” Sometimes it is difficult to love our neighbor, but it can be especially difficult when playing a competitive sport. In each lesson, I will teaching my students to compete fairly but also to show God’s love during sports. I do this through demonstrating good sportsmanship, teamwork and compassion, by giving “high fives” after a game, pairing students together that have different talents and capabilities, and discussing that you can’t win a game single handedly on your own. Each player needs help from other teammates who may have
different strategies than one’s own.

Beside teaching students to love her neighbor, I help students to “go make disciples, teaching them to obey everything God has commanded me” to do. Leading by example in class through prayer time, devotions, and sharing in discussions about my faith and faith journey, are all ways I can help my students be disciples of Christ. That includes demonstrating good sportsmanship on and off the field. Caring about one’s “body language, and showing respect to our opponents, coaches, and officials. In all these ways, we can bring honor to Christ.

Lastly, I will emphasize by word and practice that each girl is made in God’s image. I want to value each child for the gifts God gave her. It may be a great attitude, or encouragement of others, or a skill for working through a problem.  As for health, I can help guide my students so they will understand ways to care for their body. Our bodies are temples where the Holy Spirit lives and moves; therefore, we need to treat our bodies in a way that glorifies God through movement and good nutrition. My overall goal is that my students will be equipped to take care of their bodies and lives dedicated to their Lord Jesus Christ.

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