Krista Rodgers
Elementary Paraprofessional
I love working at a school where I can freely share with my students who Jesus is and the difference He makes in my life! I believe the gospel is our foundation for life and I daily have opportunities to talk or pray with students about our need to depend on God as we seek to glorify Him in all things.
Faith & Life
Mrs. Rodgers graduated from Cedarville University and taught elementary school as well as ESL in the Dominican Republic for the first 6 years of her career. After living in Ohio and Pennsylvania for several years, her family moved to Michigan. She has been working as a parapro/intervention teacher at NPC since 2017. She loves helping elementary students grow in their understanding of math and reading. In her spare time she loves spending time with her husband and 3 children. Their family loves visiting the amazing sites around Michigan, from local parks and beaches to the beauty of the UP.
Faith Statement
As believers, we are called to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). This includes sharing the gospel and helping others grow in their relationship with the Lord. At the same time, we need to allow other believers to speak into our lives and help us grow in our faith. At NPC, I love that I may freely build into my students’ lives spiritually; my coworkers are also building into my life in the same way. While there are different times during the year I can share the gospel with my students, Christmas and Easter are prime times for this. While many students know the meaning behind these celebrations, some need guidance to see how the gospel makes a difference in our lives.
In Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus tells us the greatest two commandments are to love God and love others. In my role, I spend time with students one-on-one or in small groups. I often talk with students when they struggle with their behavior or focus and need a break from the classroom. As I ask questions to draw out their thinking about the situation, I share with them God’s love for them and help them see the importance of loving God first and then what it looks like to put others above themselves.
Genesis 1:27 tells us that God made us in His image. This is so important for students to understand. God created them wonderfully, each with a unique and perfect design (Psalm 139:14). Because of sin, we do not live our lives for His glory as he intended. However, Christ redeems us and gives us the power to do what is right; He also offers forgiveness when we do not. When students feel they do not measure up, I want to remind them that God has made them, need His salvation and power to live out the life He intends for them. One way I do this is by helping with Girls of Grace, a weekly teacher-led Bible study with our 4th and 5th-grade girls.