Dennis Kaboos
Middle School Spanish Immersion Teacher
I love working in a school where sharing my faith is a priority. I have seen God do great things for my family and I love to share my faith with others.
Faith & Life
Sr. Kaboos brings tons of experience, energy and charisma to the classroom as he has been working with students since age 18. He loves the opportunity to loop with students for 2 years in the Middle School as it provides for excellent relationships with both students and parents. He is a graduate of Grand Rapids Community College and Grand Valley State University. One of his dreams is to own a big cat like a lion or tiger.
Faith Statement
As I seek to “equip students to impact their world for Jesus Christ,” I am drawn to the reality that their world is not static, but is ever changing. Here at NorthPointe Christian, I seek to provide a safe environment for students to grow as learners and as Christians. I am amazed at the opportunity to serve in an environment where to witness, serve, and uphold the faith is not reason for discipline but expected, respected, and admired.
Love Mandate. I continue to strive for excellence in education. In order to achieve this, I must incorporate the love of God as the foundation. Love for God is the foundation which makes the love for others possible. If I cannot love God, who created me, sustains me, saves me, then how can I love others. I notice that the first four commandments outline standards in my relationship with my Heavenly Father. The words of Christ ring often in my ear, “If you love me, keep my commandments.”(Jn. 14:15) and “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, but you do not what I say?” (Lk. 6:46). A right relationship with God allows for right relationships with others. Basic minimum requirements for our relationships with others are outlined in the following six commands dealing with our relationship our neighbors and brothers. I have seen in my service in education that students (my brothers and sisters) are willing to cooperate when they know that they are cared for and loved. This is foundational; it is my intention to demonstrate this love to those around me by showing concern for their needs, struggles, and challenges while offering hope and a strong biblical foundation on which they may choose to cast their cares.
Mission Mandate. Loving our brothers and sisters in and by God’s grace is the key to the hearts of those around us. Here in I find my mission: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…”(Mt.
28:18-20). My family and I have a first hand knowledge of what this command demands through our overseas mission experience in a difficult area of Nicaragua. I will incorporate the life lessons taught me on that journey into my teaching here, to allow growth in others. We experienced God caring for us as we served others. I believe that the mission field is where you are, and now I am here. It is my desire that each student understand the impact they can have in doing the Lord’s work. Every word and action has its effect either for good or for evil. I will use classroom opportunities/situations to discuss how our actions affect others.
Created in his Image Mandate. As we experience and study the Spanish language, people, and culture are different from our own, we will reflect upon how our differences can be understood as revealing who our God is and His creative power. Understanding that each person is the created son or daughter of God brings a new perspective to how we should relate to them. Also, it can help us deal with who we are and grow in his likeness.