Christy Wilkerson
3rd Grade Spanish Immersion TeacherI chose to work at NPC because I can immerse my students in the word of God helping them to see that all of life is built around God and His word. Whether it’s dealing with interpersonal relationships or talking about inherited genes, everything points to who God is and how He wants us to live our lives.
Faith & Life
Sra. Wilkerson graduated from Cedarville University. She enjoys teaching kids of all ages. She reads a lot and loves watching her kids play sports. She also enjoys taking walks with her husband.
Statement of Faith
I’ve chosen to teach at NorthPointe Christian because I am able to integrate God’s truth into my daily teaching. The Love Mandate states: “Love the Lord your God…love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-38). I base the development of relationships in my classroom on this mandate. Also, children are able to see that I love God as I pray out loud with, and for, them. I pray this helps develop their love for God and others.
The Mission Mandate states: “Go and make disciples…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). I want my children to know that we need to tell those who don’t know about Jesus who He is. In writing class, we have made cards for those who need the love of God. We also talk about friends that the children might have outside of school who can learn from something we have learned during Bible class, a truth about who Jesus Christ is.
The Image Mandate is my favorite! It is “Let us make man in our image…” (Genesis 1:26). Teaching the kids through science class that God created everything, and everyone is so special. Our very first day we create “All About Me” posters and are able to talk about how each one of them is special because they are created in the image of God.