
Chip Huber

High School Bible, Student Life and Activities Director
Year Start At NPC: 2020

Teaching and coaching at NPC offers a pretty remarkable daily combination of three things I love: creating engaging content that can shape student minds and hearts; getting to know the stories and lives of the next generation of young leaders God is raising up; and inviting gifted and faith-filled students to be part of God’s Kingdom ventures right now to meet needs and offer hope in our broken world.

Students bring so much laughter, ask phenomenal questions, are willing to dig deep into Scripture, and dream about what can be better in our world. I love encouraging them, challenging them, and inspiring them in the areas of theology, finance, leadership, and cultural engagement. I love students and I love learning…and that’s what makes my classroom a sacred and special place for me every day.

Faith & Life


Mr. Huber has been serving in roles in Christian education for the past 30 years. He attended Bethel University (MN) for undergrad and Wheaton College (IL) for grad school. He loves the world’s favorite sport (SOCCER!) and coaching the boys varsity soccer team is a highlight in his life. His wife Ingrid is a nurse, and they have a son in college and a daughter in graduate school. He has made many trips to Zambia and published a book called THE ZAMBIA PROJECT about how his experiences in Africa have changed him and his students.

Statement of Faith

I have had the incredible privilege of being connected to Christian education for almost four decades, in both Christian high schools and universities. My education prepared me to teach in Bible departments, oversee spiritual formation programs, direct campus events, coach in athletics, and design student leadership programs. Those experiences have been transforming in my life, within our family, and among the lives of thousands of students.

I believe the Christian school equips the next generation of followers of Jesus to be salt and light in the world through their words, work, worship, and relationships.  In my teaching, I want to help students grow physically, academically, socially, culturally, and spiritually as members of the Christian community. I will infuse my teaching with Scripture with the outcome of long-term discipleship as the Spirit of God works in each young person’s life. The Bible will be the pair of glasses by which we make sense of everything, to discern what is good and what is contrary to God’s best. I will point students always to the full story of the Gospel: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.  More daily and directly, I will carry this out through NPC’s three mandates.

The Image Mandate: “Let us make man in our image…. Be fruitful…fill the earth…subdue it…rule over every living creature…” (Genesis 1:26, 28).  My classroom will be a laboratory for discipleship, a place to discover students’ stories, a place for students to identify their gifts and passions, and a place to serve others. As a teacher at a school like NPC, I will challenge students to think and engage with ideas beyond what they sometimes think they can do. They are made in the image of a remarkable God who calls them to serve as co-creators with Him in response to what they hear, see, and learn.

The Love Mandate: “Love the Lord your God…. Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-38).

In the classroom I want to model my love for our Lord and for each of them. I will teach from a Christian worldview, not only so that students know biblical principles, but also will learn to love God more deeply in their lives.  Beyond that, by my example, my own academic preparation, and through discussion, I hope to have students learn to love others in real and practical ways. (e.g. in business classes to show how the handling and use of money is Christian stewardship and care for one’s neighbors)

The Mission Mandate: “Go and make disciples…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:18-20).  From my experience as a teacher, coach, pastor, and dean, I have tried to get students to see beyond just learning “in one’s head.” I am deeply committed to NPC’s mission: “to equip students to impact their world for Christ.”  I continue to believe fully in students’ potential and gifts that God will use to build his remarkable Kingdom in a challenging and broken world.  I pray that God will use my passion for Him and my experience in mentoring young people to lead His image-bearers to honor our Lord and seek to be agents of cultural transformation until He comes again.

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