Chelsea Haverdink
Elementary Art Teacher
I absolutely love working at NPC where I can teach art from a Christian perspective and share God’s creativity with my students. God’s creativity is everywhere, in nature, in how he made each and every one of us different, and especially in how we create. I get to talk about this creativity, but also I get to see it in each and every student that walks through my door and creates art with me.
Faith & Life
Mrs. Haverdink graduated from Trinity Christian College with an Art education degree. She is headed into her 8th year of teaching at NorthPointe Christian as the K-6th grade art teacher. She is married and has two kids, Etta and Grady. In her spare time she enjoys golfing, going for walks with her kids, and enjoying Lake Michigan at the beach or on a boat.
Faith Statement
I grew up in a Christian home and attended Christian school my entire life from preschool all the way through college. Through those years, I have gained the importance of faith along with a Christian Education. I seek to connect my faith to the subject of art.
At NorthPointe Christian, we embody three different mandates: image, mission, and love. The Love Mandate is, “Love the Lord your God…. Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37-38). As we look at art with this mandate in mind, we are really looking at how we are presenting ourselves to the class. If we are talking about our artwork and how well we think others did on their art, we make sure to love God and one another as we make our comments and express ourselves in a critique form.
The Mission Mandate: “Go and make disciples…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:18-20). We explore this mandate in the art class as we look at the different cultures around the world through our biblical lenses. Art is a language all cultures can understand and explore, which allows us to look at art from a Christian Perspective to deepen our knowledge of it.
The Image Mandate: “Let us make man in our image…. Be fruitful…fill the earth…subdue it…rule over every living creature…” (Gen. 1:26, 28). God created this world, including us human beings in His image so that we also can create. Our desire to create comes from God Himself.
My faith shows up every day in my teaching as we look at different art forms, different cultures, and different artworks of our own. I get to share how God made us and share my own faith journey with my students. What a great place to be!