Brian Bangma
High School Math and Science TeacherFaith & Life
Faith Statement
I believe there is one true God who created the heavens and the earth. This same God created men and women in His own likeness; therefore, we are image bearers of God (Gen 1:26). This fact goes beyond God’s just making us as humans; He puts us on this earth as symbols of His creation and signposts of His handy work. He has called us to be caretakers of this world, showing Christian stewardship of these gifts.
We are called, first and foremost, to love the Lord our God with all of our heart soul and mind (Matt 22:37-38). Because of this love of the Lord, I will not be able to treat my neighbor in any other way other than how I want to be treated. The great love shown to me over my life has led me to be here at NPC and to look at the kids I teach as fellow image-bearers. These are not just students in a classroom, but rather God created them with a purpose and loves them, just as He formed me from the clay.
Because I am created in God’s image and because of my love for all of those who are fellow image-bearers, I cannot help but share this love for everyone and seek to follow the words of Matthew 28, to “Go and make disciples” everywhere I go and with everyone that I meet.
My short teaching career is an attempt to fulfill these teachings in a way that shows my love for not only my heavenly Savior but also for my fellow teachers and students alike.