Becci Timmer
MIddle and High School Educational Support Services Assistant Director
Faith & Life
Mrs. Timmer is a Graduate of Calvin University and Florida International University. She loves working with students who have unique gifts, talents and learning styles and has done so in many different Christian school settings. Mrs. Timmer delights in helping students realize their God given gifts. In her spare time, she enjoys watching and playing sports and traveling with her husband to see her collage age children.
Faith Statement
As a sinner saved by grace, I continue to learn more and more about the amazing power,
majesty, and love that God has for me. It has been one of my greatest joys and responsibilities
to share God and His truths with the students that He has placed under my care. God has given
me a passion to help students realize the gifts He has given them and to provide the students
with different opportunities to use those gifts in service for their Lord. I believe this practice fits
well with NorthPointe Christian’s mission to “equip students to impact their world for Jesus
As a teacher in the field of Special Education, I know want all of my students to know that
they were created in God’s Image (Gen 1:26) and to use His gifts for God’s glory. It’s my goal every year to help each student to discover what these gifts are and then create opportunities for students to use those gifts to serve others. Sometimes discovery happens through conversations and observations, but other times it happens through a more formal transition and inventory process. We start team meeting by sharing “God Sightings” where we share how we have seen God working in the lives of our students over a two-week period. Then we intentionally share with students how we have seen them reflecting God’s image to others.
To help students understand how powerful the love of our Heavenly Father is, I need to daily
show this love to them. While my acts may be only one small way students see glimpses of
God’s love, I need to also attend to their basic and emotional needs, as well as provide structure,
guidance, consistency, and care. I also need to help them create opportunities where we show love and care for others. It might be as simple as keeping our room and hallways clean,
making cards to brighten someone’s day, or collecting food for a local family.
In carrying out NPC’s Mission Mandate, I will express my own faith in Christ, my faith journey.
Christ. I consider it a privilege to share my faith to help students to see how everything they are studying and learning is preparing them to share the good news of salvation with others at NPC as well as with a more diverse set of people outside the walls of our school.