Paul Dick
6th Grade TeacherFaith & Life
Faith Statement
Through my teaching, I seek to encourage students to desire the truth, apply it to their lives, and understand God in a more amazing, genuine way. God filled his creation with wonders that point back to him, amazing signatures of His formative work that tell us a bit more of who He is.
We see these signs of His all-powerful handiwork in the amazing complexity, beauty and power of mathematics, the minute care and handiwork evidenced in everything from earwigs to elephants, and the unfolding of His story in the parable of time.
In my Sixth Grade classroom, I seek to show all students that they bear the autograph of their heavenly Father and, even better, they are in His image. We will celebrate each other’s unique talents and perspectives, and respect and love each person because faith cannot be simply something I paste on top of my teaching, or something my students do only in Bible class.
Because of this commitment, we prioritize the classroom community. At the start of the year, students fill out a puzzle piece with everything that makes them who they are–their family, friends, and their favorites. We connect the puzzle pieces and talk about how each one of us is a part of the puzzle, part of the body of Christ. Faith is part of every aspect of our lives. It is who we are in Christ.
This faith leads us to action! It sends us out to make disciples of all nations. For me this starts in my classroom as I equip the young people God has entrusted to me for growth of faith and then send them out to contend earnestly for the gospel of Christ.