Brenda Maas

Educational Support Services Coordinator
Year Start At NPC: 2010

I love working together with the incredible, committed leadership at NPC who put mission first and the families who are making Christ-centered education a priority. Building belonging as we seek to understand one another as image bearers is wonderfully rewarding! I pray that God is honored as we serve together as co-heirs of the Gospel.

Faith & Life


Mrs. Maas, a Michigan native, graduated from Alma College and Eastern Michigan University and has worked in public, Christian, and homeschool education. She lives with her delightful husband and wants to grow up and be like her six adult children and fifteen grandchildren. She loves partnering with the Christian community at NPC toward knowing well and loving excellently.

Statement of Faith

As a daughter of the King, I have learned much about Our Father’s faithful love since I first accepted the salvation message as a young teen.  Now it is my privilege to partner with parents in the training of their teens.  As the team leader for the Student Union, it is my passion to provide caring, consistent, confidential assistance to the students and families we serve.  It is indeed a privilege to extend that message of unconditional love to the students at NorthPointe.

In my responsibilities as coordinator of the Student Union, it is my honor to encourage the students and families toward the Biblical love, mission, and caretaker mandates.  Because we celebrate that God has uniquely created each of His children in His image, we are able to guide them toward appreciation and mutual respect for one another and purpose-filled living as they strive to achieve God’s plan for their lives.  Whatever challenges they face along the way, students must understand that within our learning community, they have the support needed to overcome and grow in grace and knowledge.

Love ~ Students are expressed love through a genuine, respectful acceptance of where they are and encouragement to grow.  This is central to our diagnostic and discipleship work in understanding the students and building healthy, body life within our members.

Mission ~ Students are assisted and supported toward God centered, purpose-filled living with an eye for eternity.  Transition plans include opportunities to touch lives beyond our community for His glory.  They are encouraged to obey the call of God upon their hearts and unique training opportunities are explored within the Christian community and beyond.

Caretaker ~ The central message of the gospel is obedience to Christ in daily sacrificial living as outlined in Philippians 2.  When we recognize the healthy inclusion and interdependence of Christ Body, His Church, within a classroom, a study group, or family based on respect, avenues for healing and hope are opened up.  God has arranged and combined these members together for service to His glory.  His love and purpose can be displayed in our care for one another in simple yet profoundly spiritually ways.

“But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.  If they were all one part, where would the body be?  As it is, there are many parts, but one body…But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.  If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”  (I Cor. 12:18, 19, 24b-26)

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